Sep 08, 2008 02:51
While a thread about McCain and Palin on a website I frequent, I came across an argument regarding Palin's attempts, as mayor of Wasilla, to convince the City Librarian to be willing to ban books, and then trying to have the librarian fired for saying no. One fine specimen of our species wrote this:
"No, but say you don't want people in your community to learn about certain things that might be dangerous to the cohesion of the community, you might want to do everything you can to get people in the community to hold similar beliefs. It's a good thing and removing certain books might be conducive to that outcome. Now, I'm not saying banning books is a good thing for everywhere, what's good for people in Sanctuary City, CA may not be good for people in Wasilla, AK."
I fear for the future of our species, I really do.