le jeez

Jul 30, 2010 17:31

I have so much slash to catch up on because for the last month I've been incommunicado from LJ. There were weddings, work, pretending to write original fiction and so much shopping. (I was seriously depleted in the clothing area.) So apologies, LJ people. I promise to read all your things in time. Especially you, what_alchemy. :D

There fic irons in the fire and it's sort of uncomfortable, so I'd like to get those done. And I'll list them here so I remember them.

-fisting (bribe for what_alchemy
-there was going to be something to bribe theordainedfish to continue her obscenely amazing mirrorverse fic, but I can no longer remember. maybe she could remind me?
-modern collegey AU with gay!Spock and gay!Jim, with drama and slut shame and comedy!
-a S/U/K that I've been working on for a while with actual angst and the destruction of the S/U relationship because of the /K that comes along!
-also sort-of-predatory!Pike and sort-of-naif!Spock thing I was working on with theordainedfish

But on the plus side, check out these goddamn sexy slutty bondage shoes I got.

Fuckin' A.

bitching, i'm back, goddamn sexy shoes, updates, ficness

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