if you are chilly / here take my sweater / your head is aching / i'll make it better

Nov 16, 2008 13:17

so i really don't know what's going on right now. in any case, the fire here in Diamond Bar seems to be dying down and it doesn't seem to be coming over in my direction anymore. basically, though, if we need to evacuate, we will. our stuff's all packed and ready to go in the cars. apparently my area is supposed to have a mandatory evacuation but, u know, my whole cul-de-sac is kinda just hanging around. none of us really want to leave unless we really have to. it's funny though, as i was packing the things i packed were, in this order:  iPod/charger, dongbang, suju, shinee, big bang cds, my pet rock (which i still have not named, vania! D:) school text books, sentimental jewelry (i.e. stuff i bought on my trips to europe), teacher recommendation letter for college (...-_-''), laptop, old photo albums, violin and music, clothes, and shoes. i didn't even have the presence of mind to pack toothbrush and stuff. and i wouldn't have packed clothes if my mom hadn't told me to. sigh this is all so confusing but apparently we should be alright. hm i should go do math hw now. i think school might be cancelled though, because it's being used as the evacuation center? and this could mean i have an excuse to skip cymo rehearsal :O cause goodness knows i need to get my college apps/essays done

oh and also, i don't really wanna discuss it, but mkmf. i'm so incredibly proud of the boys for getting the most awards even though they haven't been active in korea for almost two years. that is an attest to both their popularity and their talent. best album? come on. that's amazing, especially with all the competition this year. and i hope people don't go around bashing other groups, because seriously, that would just be stupid. honestly, at first i was a little miffed that the boys didn't get other daesangs but then i thought about it and realized that to us, the boys are always promoting and being busy, but to the korean music industry, they've been virtually absent this whole time. so of course they don't "deserve" to get things like best artist, because they just had their comeback at the end of the year. i really think best album was the most meaningful award they could have received. best group or artist would have just proven their popularity, but best album shows that all the blood, sweat and tears they invested in this paid off. and also SHINee yay! i'm so happy for these boys, they totally deserved it. they're abso-frickin-lutely adorable, talented, and hardworking. not to mention the fact that it's so good to see that they look up to their sunbaes and always speak of them respectfully, with a kind of awe. and they're all such cute little fanboys.

fire!, real life, dbsk, shinee, awards

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