stole this from cayla

Jun 05, 2004 09:19

[name] Krissy
[spell your first name backwards] yssirk
[the user name reason?] sumthing i got on a game
[birthday]June 2nd 89
[sex] Female
[status] taken!
[where do you live?] Daphne
[4 words that describe you] krazie, blond, smart ....
[eye color] brown
[hair color] brown and red
[zodiac sign] gemini
[heritage] AMERICAN!
[current location] my bedroom
[current clothes] tanktop and shorts
[current hair ] down/straight
[current annoyance] my bellybutton
[current smell] cleaning stuff
[current thing you ought to be doing] nothing, its summer time
[current desktop picture] Achellies from Troy
[current book you're reading] im not reading a book
[current CD in CD player] none
[current refreshment] none
[current worry] Why does my bellybutton hurt! Will it fall off? Charli told me it will


[righty or lefty] righty
[innie or outtie] innie!
[thong or bikini] ...thong
[boxers or briefs] boxers
[pepsi or coke] pepsi
[mcdonalds or burger king] burger king
[single or group dates] single
[adidas or nike] nike
[lipton ice tea or nestea] lipton ice tea
[7-11 or wawa] 7-11
[cappuccino or coffee] i dont like either

.:what is:.

[your most overused phrase] stupid ladder
[Your best feature] i have no clue
[your bedtime] whenever i wanna
[your greatest accomplishment] accomplishment? i have no clue
[your most missed memory] middle school
[your favorite article of clothing] my black tanktop im wearing right now


[food] any
[drink] water
[color] midnight blue
[shoes] my holy shoes
[animal] dogs
[movie] i like a bunch of movies
[vegetable] umm, peas!
[fruits] strawberries
[cartoon] Southpark

.:are you:.

[understanding] yea
[open-minded] yep
[interesting] i hope so
[random] extremely
[hungry] hell yes
[friendly] I try
[smart] Yes...actually, I am
[moody] depends
[childish] umm, u answer that
[independent] try too
[hard working] working on what?
[organized] no
[healthy] yes.. kinda.. not really
[attractive] in ways
[bored easily] yes
[thirsty] usually
[responsible] yes
[angry] if daddy makes me mad, but alot of time i feel better fast
[sad] sumtimes
[happy] right now? kinda
[hyper] with my friends
[trusting] yeah
[talkative] yeah...

.:who do you want to:.

[kill] nobody
[get high with] nobody
[talk to offline] Jeremy and Cayla
[talk to online] Cayla and myself!

.: best :.

[kisser] Jeremy... i dont kiss that many of my friends....
[personality] Cayla, shes a sweetie
[leader] Brittanie
[friend] Abby, Cayla, Charli
[smile] Cayla, she is always smiling
[eyes] Jeremy
[laugh] Carri, she hyperventilates all the time
[story teller] Cayla

.: guys :.

[favorite feature] eyes
[favorite eye color] blue
[best hair color] brown
[best height] tall lol
[best weight] not fat
[best article of clothing on them] their shirt lol
[best first date] movies
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