I set fire to the rain. . .threw us into the flames.
Well, there's just no other way of putting it - I've been neglecting my lj as of late and there are times when I don't even read my friends' entries. *diesinshame* /facepalm And it's not like I am lacking in stuff to update you guys with - both in real life and fandom. I don't know - I can't say that I am too lazy nor can I say that it's because I've been way too busy because I am very much active on twitter despite the hectic schedule. Argh. I don't know. . . . But things are about to pick up now - I mean I miss all the trouble that I go through when it comes to posting. . .and of course I miss you guys. It's kind of disheartening that I seem to have lost contact with most of the people here - there are only a handful of people whom I still regularly chat w/ via other sites and messengers. I do hope to catch up with you guys. ♥
CHANGE - that's like my fave word as of late. I can't wait for 2011 to end - leave everything behind and start anew. And when I mean leave - I mean it literally and figuratively. *wink* wink*
Oh and I went to the BEP Concert last night and need I say that it was E-P-I-C!!! Felt the love BEP showed for every Pinoy that watched and vice versa. FERGIE - GAHD. WHAT A BADASSMOTHERFUCKING BITCH YOU ARE! Totally love the blinking dress! ♥ IT WAS JUST EPIC! And oh - Taboo followed me on twitter! harhar! xDD #whatisfangirl