(no subject)

Jun 30, 2005 18:05

Still hot and muggy but mixed with thunderstorms. You know what funny, there are 16 students in my class, 4 of which are guys! Where are all the men? Stistically at least here at the U of R, 66% of the students are female.Why aren't the men going to college? There are very few jobs anymore for just high school graduates. Hell, even waiters today have a degree, and a lot have their masters. Guess they all were to busy partying in high school, and didn't study, or chasing their next girl, or playing games, what ever, they sure are going to have a difficult time living life, unless of course they marry a woman with a good job that will support them, or mommy and daddy have money. Just seems ratther odd anymore. There was a time when 70% of all college students were male.
On the Angi side of life, she is just having a ball being a little girl, and it just feels so good seeing her enjoying life, and not having to worry about studying, or her classes. Kids need time to be kids, doing what they enjoy best, not what the parents want them to enjoy. Like little leaque, good grief, they have little leaque for every sport, and it also is starting to show on there physical bodies today. After years of studying little leaque sports, somethings are starting to show up. Little leaque baseball, there are kids getting operations today, that 5 years ago, only major leaque players had. Kids are getting arthritis really bad at age 25-28, because there bones couldn't take the pressure of sports at such an early age. Soccer, football, pound the knees, shoulders, and head. Kids are also starting to burn out by the time they hit high school. Hell, its nothing today, to see 8th graders playing varsity sports. WHY??? less than 1% will even make it to try out for major leaque, or even college. They just shouldn't be playing at such a young age, they should wait until at least jr high. Then there is the physcology of sport, win at all cost!! If you lose a game, your labeled as a loser, does wonders for there self esteem.
Just my take on the subject.
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