Sep 20, 2005 16:14
a wise man told me not to argue with fools cause people from a distance cant tell who is who
jay z
i like that qoute only because its very true. dont stoop to their level. all i want is my room cleaned. i dont want shit to do with anybody living and breathing in this house for a minute. rosee is acting funny all of a sudden since her "freind" decided to sleep here. act funny then...cause like i the end she is the one thats going to be assed out. i dont give a fuck cause she really cant surprise me anymore...she cant disappiont me anymore because she already done that. everything she could have done to make me mad, sad, intrigued...all that she already did made me jaded about her and her issues. fankly my can shove that shit where the sun dont shine...cause im so worn and jaded dealing with her bullshit...this is her casa? well then rock the fuck on. dont get mad because people take what you give them the freedom and right to do whatever the fuck they want to do to you then thats what they will do. see...your freinds arent even your have less freinds then are lonlier in this world then i will ever be. cause regardless of anything my freinds are my freinds. for example...larry...we havent spoken in so long but there is so much mutual love and respect for each other that i can do and say anything tp him without being judged. he cares about all my freinds do. I know for a fact..if i was to die today i would have a million man march at my funeral. i mean come on..lauren parnes....a girl that was a respected aqauintence at best...wants to know how i am doing and is searching for me...cause she cares that much. and she isnt even my freind. me and my freinds support each other...not puts each other down so we can feel better about ourselves. you htink your freinds are your freinds? no...get over it. and yeah its fucked up...but you only get bak what you give. you reap what you sow. so maybe if you sow posiitve things they will come back at you.everyone lovs adj...even though i am not the best person in the world cause in general i am essantially GOOD. and even though you too are good...its so overly tainted with hatred...envy...bitterness...clouded with such unheeded evil....for no reason. the world is suppose to be your playground...not your graveyard. treat everyday like happyness is president bush should be licking your toes and bill gates should be tossing your salad. on doesnt make someone...gandi wasnt the worlds richest man...neither was jesus...mohamed...mother teresa...moses...all of the most historically and religously blessed people wernt rich they had something else...they had but themselves.and it doesnt matter how much money you have...cause at the end it doesnt matter how much gold a rich man has or how much dept a poor man has. does GOD judge us on how profitible we were? on how hard we could hustle? no...hje judges us on the charector of our soul and our ability to o ight. not even really the ability cause everyone hase the ability...even adolf hitler had the ability to do right. he choose not to. so iguess its really about having the ability and using that ability to do what we know is right. i cant buy and reserve your place in heaven...and whoever lied to you and told you its posible is just bullshitting you.sending money to a and give your time. in this time...its worth way more. so if you think you bought yourself a place in sold you that bootleg ticket is really reserving you a front row seat in hell...front and center. even bill gates is going to hell...the richest man is a theif...martha stewart...all of them...liars and thieves. they also got front row seats. go join them.seeing that you wish to live a crystal the damn thing.