La Corda d'Oro

Oct 06, 2009 07:34

28. 26 episodes of Kin'iro no Corda: Primo Passo and 2 episodes of Kin'iro no Corda: Secondo Passo.

from Wiki
Primo Passo from ANN
Secondo Passo from ANN
Crunchyroll: Primo Passo

Crunchyroll: Secondo Passo

- Another fantasy.
- I'm rooting for Ryo T but I think she may choose Len T
- The music was great. Of course, some are classical warhorses ...
- I like the first season better, the second is starting to be repetitive. And with everyone (by that I mean every guys) sings praise of Kahoko, I'm bored...
- I'm kind of glad that they went the realistic route and Kahoko wasn't a virtuoso, but she was still doing much better than a beginner.
- I don't get why her working hard would move everyone, sounds like I'm quite heartless. I do like her, but the way people put her on a pedestal is quite annoying (which is too strong a word, but I can't think of another one at the moment)
- I learned more about the title when Lili explained it to Kahoko, I know that la corda means string but I didn't know that it also means bond - nice, huh?


88. The Empty Kingdom. First sentence: "The Red Sea had never seemed so wide, nor Aksum so far away."


Written by Elizabeth Wein

Some points:
- This book picked up where the last one ends.
- Telemakos was punished. He tried to communicate to his aunt about Abreha's plan.
- I didn't expect the ending at all. I knew that Telemakos wouldn't die, but I didn't expect the twist, even though it was hinted multiple times.
- I'm dragging my feet through this book, not because it wasn't good mostly because I was dreading the inevitable.

Bottom line, it's a pretty good adventure series, sometimes quite hard on the main character. I'm glad I read it.

author: elizabeth wein, public library, studio: yumeta company

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