Frozen, Emerald Atlas, Missions of Love, and Afterschool Charisma

Apr 08, 2014 10:55

    1. Animation:
    2. Frozen
      - Watched on tiny airplane screen. It was good. The story is not at all like The Snow Queen.
      - It's "sisterly" misunderstanding, protecting.
      - The parents suddenly out of the pictures when the girls were older. I wonder what happened to them!
      - will get the dvd/blue ray to rewatch and collect, but given a dvd.
    1. Chapter Book:
    2. The Emerald Atlas: book 1 of Books of Beginning Trilogy by John Stephens.
      - Borrowed from BPL.
      - read by Jim Dale.
      - Very good series about the weight of responsibilities of the chosen ones.
      - Siblings love.
      - Magic, dwarfs, wizards, witches.
      - will reserved #2. #3 will be released Aug this year.
    1. Manga:
    2. Missions of Love 6 by Ema Toyama.
      - borrowed from ILL.
      - The rocking entertaining story continues. I broke my resolution of not borrowing any manga until I make a dent in my tbr pile because I didn't want to forget the story! Excuses, excuses!
    3. Afterschool Charisma 8 by Kumiko Suekane.
      - Borrowed from BPL.
      - Shiro doesn't know whom to trust anymore. He can only trust himself.
      - Discussions on nature vs nurture, if these clones have the same genes of the originals, will they have the same personalities and fates?
  • Via Manga Conseil, Le fil rouge (Akaiito) by Kaho Miyasaka, the author of Kare First Love, is licensed by Panini, volume 1 will be out July 2014: here
  • Wolf Girl & Black Prince by Ayuko Hatta 8 volumes ongoing will be animated via ANN, I hope the anime will be licensed in the US and the manga will follow, so I'll hold off buying the French volumes for now.

mangaka: kumiko suekane, mangaka: ayuko hatta, author: john stephens, reader: jim dale, french licence news, mangaka: ema toyama, mangaka: kaho miyasaka

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