Living life one day at a time.

Feb 05, 2005 23:56

I have a ton of homework I should be working on right now, but my day was so fucking fantastic, I have to document it.

The photo shoot:
It was SOOOOOOOO much fun! What an experience! I can't wait to see the pictures at the end of the week!
And what a character the photographer, Michael, was! He kept calling me "babe" and saying "great," "gorgeous," "right there," and the other things you'd think a photographer would say. I had to hold in my laughs while he was photographing me, though a couple giggles managed to slip.
Michael taught me the "model stance" and it took a little getting used to. But by the end of the shoot, I could get into it immediately.
Another girl that showed up after I did had to take a lot more instruction on how to stand and move.
The makeup was pretty crazy, and so were the hairstyles. I really can't wait to see how the photos turn out.
My agent told me to smile and show my teeth on Thursday, but the photographer ended up only asking me to smile a few times, and only small smiles at that. Also, my agent told me five specific types of outfits to wear, but the photographer and the makeup/hair/clothing stylist ended up putting together outfits out of the things I brought.
Speaking of outfits, the girl that came in after me, Katie, brought in really plain clothes. Michael loved the things I brought in. And it's gotten me back into fashion.

Redondo Beach:
Wendy took me to the South Bay Galleria to go shopping. It's been so long since I've been to a mall and gone clothes shopping. A lot of my bottoms that I've had since high school are too loose on me now, so I decided to try on some jeans and skirts. After trying on some bottoms, I realized I've dropped a couple pant sizes. I really couldn't believe that I could fit into size 3 and 5. Wendy says my weight problem when I was younger has left so much of an impact on me that I'm never going to be satisfied with my weight. And I am pretty self-conscious and don't know if that will ever change.
Anyway, you can imagine how good it felt to find out I've gotten smaller.
We left the mall and headed to Coyote Cantina, this Mexican restaurant in Redondo. The food was amazing! It is definitely one of my favorite restaurants down here.

The return home:
I checked my e-mail and found out I forgot to record B roll for my last broadcast assignment. Damnit.
And then I found out I completely forgot that there was an assignment for that class due today at noon. Well, I remembered the assignment, but I forgot about the deadline. I thought it was due on the day of class.
What kind of deadline is Saturday at noon anyway?!
Frankly, I don't give a shit right now. I know that's a terrible thing to say, but everything else in my life is going so bloody fantastic that I don't really care. It's just a fucking class. I get more excited about my assignments for the Daily Trojan than I do for any of my class assignments. The only people reading or watching any of my assignments for journalism are my professors and sometimes my classmates. When I write for the Daily Trojan, some of the people I interview actually look forward to reading my articles. There are people who depend on me to do a good job. What does it matter how well I do in a class compared to real experience anyway?


Right now, I'm just living life day by day. As the past few weeks have proven, life can change in an instant. I have no fucking clue what is going to happen next. Before, my life was pretty much uneventful. And everything decided to pick up this semester. My new roommate is so awesome. I'm getting more comfortable talking to people in my classes. I'm getting closer to people in CASA. I'm actually starting to open up. Maybe that's because now I actually have things to talk about! I am so grateful for all the people who are in my life right now. Everyone is so supportive and caring. I'm realizing that everyone I know is so incredible and will be extremely successful in life. I am blessed to know each and every one of you.

I am so high on life! Please let everything continue in this upward spiral.
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