My cat is sick. :o(

Sep 17, 2006 15:03

Connie threw up at about 2am on Saturday.  Who knew cats had the ability to spray their puke to cover as much of the carpet as possible?  She made some horrible retching sounds afterwards but hasn't puked again since.  I've posted to cat forums and called no less than 5 E-Vets.  Everyone seemed to agree that I should watch her and if things got worse to take her in.  There is a 24 hour vet a ways down Busch that is open on weekends.  Yay!

According to the questions everyone I called asked, this seems to be important:

1.  She threw up about 20 minutes after she ate.
2.  It was just food.  No hair, no foam, nothing but Chicken Soup for Kittens (which, oddly enough, looks almost exactly the same in the can as it does fanned out across the floor...).
3.  She is eating (dry food now) and drinking just fine.
4.  She is using the litter box just fine (I watched.  She pees and poops like a pro.).
5.  She is spayed and up to date on all of her vaccinations, including rabies.
6.  Last flea treatment was about a month ago (Revolution).
7.  She is 7, almost 8 months old and is an indoor cat.
8.  She seems a bit lethargic, but not unable to move comfortably or play.  If I start to play with her, she's all for it, but left on her own, she just sort of sits there.  Not exactly unusual, but now I'm paranoid.

So I got home yesterday and she seemed ok.  Still kind of listless, but ok.  Then she started making this horrible hyperventilating/snorting sound.  It's quick breaths in and out a few times and then she's done.  It has since lost it's snorting quality and is now just sharp breaths, in and out.  Jon thinks it's coughing.  I am not so sure.  It doesn't seem to really bother her, before, during, or after, save for the fact that she can't control it.  She doesn't even do it that often.  Since I've decided to record it on my phone so the vet can hear it, she hasn't done it at all and it has been several hours.

I am definitely taking her to the vet on Monday.  If things get worse, I'll take her today, but I'd rather go to a vet that knows her.  I was just wondering if any of you other cat slaves out there has any experience with this or an idea what this could be.  From what I've gathered online, it could be anything from a hairball to cancer.  I hoping for a simple URI and a script for Clavamox (or whatever it's called) to fix it.
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