Jun 07, 2009 20:16
From Ballet Slippers and Pillow Fights
I am from ballet slippers, bicycles, and roller blades,
From playing with my favorite stuffed animals with my sister
And pillow fights with my cousin.
I am from all three moving trucks from the three times I moved.
I am from the olive tree in the front yard and the eucalyptus in the back.
I am from eating onions and salsa while still in a high chair,
From season tickets to the UTEP basketball games my dad would take me to
I am from speaking Spanish to the housekeeper until I moved away and forgot it.
I am from Mema’s long-nail tickly tickly on the knee…
and Papa’s blue pancakes and waffles covered in Log Cabin syrup.
I am from Gido’s Hi Baba! and sloppy, wet kisses.
From what’s that? I know you! I know you!
And don’t you raise your voice at me young lady!
I am from tears because it was my fault-
Don’t make me get the belt.
I am from taking care of my sister; teaching her everything I know.
I am from music tells unspoken noble creeds and beautifies the simplest deeds
I am from honesty, patience, and a belief in a little thing called love.