Mar 30, 2004 21:55
i have no idea how i did on my patho test. it was difficult. mostly everyone else thought so too. before the test, i reviewed all my packets and i knew everything, but when i took the test, i got all confused cuz there was so much to know. argh. plus, it didn't help that i only had less than 2 hours of sleep. sheesh. i had the biggest headache after the test!!! my teacher is stupid. she doesn't even write her own test questions, which is so retarded. all professors usually write their own test questions because their questions should come from the lecture. GRR. she sucks.
i had my or rotation today. it was a pediatric case, and they did an atrial septal defect repair and mitral valve repair.. basically cardiac surgery. the patient was a little baby!! she was only like 20 months old. she was soooooooooooo cute!! ahhh, i wanted to SQUEEZE HER! she was a pretty strong baby too.. when they administered the anesthesia, it took a while for her to knock out. they were like wow, she's still awake! but yeah, i was able to see a lot (kinda). they propped open her chest, and the smell of them cutting the flesh kinda smelled like the dentist.. how they fill cavities. i dk.. i had a mask on, so it was kinda hard to breath, but i was still able to smell the sawing and stuff.. i didn't get to really see them saw cuz i was standing a bit far, but that's the stuff i really want to see. i saw her heart beating and one of the doctors was asking me what the normal potassium (K) value was, and i knew it, but forgot it.. and i felt so stupid. i should have known it.. i kinda just shrugged my shoulders, and said i didn't know. BAD. well anyway, he asked me cuz they were giving the kid potassium to stop the heart (?) i think. cuz they were doing the valve repair. they had lots and lots of catheters and tubing put into her.. a bit bloody. the surgeon was kinda getting pissed at the scrub nurse and the surgical tech, but i think it's understandable.. he's in a lot of stress. i didn't get to put in the foley cuz damnit the nurse didn't ask me.. well, i was like oh that's the foley right.. kinda subtly letting her know that i wanted to put it in, but yeah.. i didn't .. i think maybe why is because it's a ped patient and we only learned how to do it in an adult, but it's the same technique, and prob. easier to do it in a ped pt...but, i think they wanted to get started right away cuz they brought in the pt a bit late and so they were running late. i liked the or. i think i want to go into it cuz everything is organized and i'm organized person pretty much. i love to organize!!! haha.. and also, i like to know what to expect.. i hate surprises.. well except if it's like a present.. hehe but yeah i don't like surprises in situations. i didn't get all grossed out, it seemed so normal for me or something. very interesting. on thursday, i get to scrub in.. i think i really want to see a craniotomy.. since my dad got one.. i'm gonna ask them if i can see one. i think it would be very exciting...they taught us how to scrub in and stuff... funnnnn...oh yeah, and i got to wear the light green scrubs..and as one of my classmates said, "i feel so official." it was really cool wearing the scrubs..i felt important.. haha. it was great. so yeah, if i like it on thursday, i am going to really consider going into OR nursing.
i have a term paper due on monday and i don't even know where to begin. i should have started this a while ago, but i'm stupid and i'm waiting till last minute. grr. tomorrow for sure, i will start on it!!!!!!!!!!!
when i got home today, i took like a 3 hour nap. sheesh. i still feel kinda tired.. all this studying and no sleep is getting to me. =/