I had a japanese drama/entertainment discussion with a Japanese girl recently. We had a good chat and she updated me with juicy goss about about japanese celebs. In the middle of conversation, I told her about that many Taiwanese dramas are based on Japanese manga and that there is a Korean drama coming up which also based on a Japanese manga. Then she said something that got me thinking about what Arashi@Vox has written before. Basically this girl said that she hates other places that take from japanese sources and make it their own (in relation to dramas and entertainment).
I was saddened to hear this because being an international fan of japanese entertainment, most of the non-japanese fans that I encounter in the online community are very caring and sharing. The other countries that adopt japanese manga to make their dramas surely have obtained permission otherwise they would have been sued by now. Shouldn't she be happy that there're others who admired/liked her country's products so much so that they want to make an adaptation? I fully understand Arashi@vox's frustation about Japanese fans who are selfish and think that their celebrities are theirs and theirs only. Sigh ...
Even Giorgio Armani wears fake Armani watch.