I was tagged by
ticklemethao 1. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
2. Tag seven people to do the same.
3. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."
1. I'm a total tom boy, I love sports, racing, cars.. but I love getting dressed up (not in dresses though) and buying awesome costume jewelry :D
2. I sometimes say "country" words that Chris doesn't know the meaning of, he says he sometimes needs a country dictionary to figure out what I am talking about. lol I find it funny that we are both from the South but we have such different words and phrases.
3. I only cuss when I'm really really mad.
4. I love planning stuff, if it's a trip or and event or anything just having everything planned out and stuff makes me more relaxed knowing whats going to happen when, etc.. It's so predictable I know but it makes me feel better knowing what's around the corner.
5. I collect Hello Kitty stuff :) I have everything from an alarm clock to a purse a blanket to stuffed animals haha
6. I wish I could organize drift events for a living, I love it! (and driving them too hehe)
7. Hopeless romantic, I'm so sappy I love that Chris is kinda the same way just not as bad as I am haha last night I had a bubble bath waiting on me when I got home :D
I tag,
dianeyeary and well i think that's all that still use LJ LOL!