May 04, 2004 23:15
Um.. let's see I hate you. Yes.. I hate you. Because I am .. still up.. at 10:49 and I want to be dreaming. I also want Jared to call me or text me. I want to be able to hug my boyfriend..that I do not have. I .. want to be happy. Truly happy. I mean suure.. they say you have to make yourself happy. That you can't just expect it to happen. But. I think that isn't the case. I think, that there are certain times in your life where you will be truly happy that there will be times in your life when you are truly depressed. There is some kind of Higher Being, not neccasarily God because well no offense to any that believe in him, but I think that it's mostly bullshit. Why criticize the Greeks and the Romans for their gods and goddess's? Why laugh and scoff at their books of religious teachings? The Bible is just as much a story book as a Greek or Roman Saga. That is what I find interesting and quite humerous. What makes you people think that Christianity or Catholicism is the right religon? How do you know that there is a Heaven or Hell? What proof do you have? None. Or wait, your precious book? Dated so long again that it's amazing it was "never" mistranslated or changed.
I am not sure what exactly got me started on that verbal rampage.. but all I know is that I wish I knew what really happens after death.
Yet I have more things to say. All religon really ever was, was either:
1) a way in which the leaders controlled people and kept them in order
2) a way to comfort people that are dependent on other people or other sources to help cope with reality.
I could go on and on. But.. there are things I am in need of. Such as sleep. So I think that I will conclude this debate tomorrow.