Jun 10, 2010 09:45

The top 11 thing is nonsensical.  I suspect somebody is known to be dropping out immediately, because they've only got the 10 returning favorites to partner with.

I can't believe they didn't keep Anthony.  Billy Bell is also brilliant in his own different way, but I don't think any of the other men measure up to Anthony's level.  The farmboy is endearing and will make for good tv,  he'll keep the teenage girls watching, but he's most definitely not a better dancer.  The only consolation there is that if Anthony's hamstring injury was that bad, then he shouldn't put it through the stress of the show, and should give it time to heal.  I don't think he needs SYTYCD anyway, the man's definitely got a career ahead of him.

I'm very glad the tap girl made it through.  She might struggle with the other dance forms, but I agree that she has something special, and I love that she took a  traditional dance form and really made it her own.  Got to love tapping in big black boots!  I like the salsa dancer too, she strikes a nice balance between formal Latin ballroom and expressive salsa dancing.  The girls in general seem strong and individualistic.

I wish we'd seen Khadijah's audition, or more of her--she was the dancer they said did African dance who was eliminated in one of the final rounds in Vegas.  She looked like a powerful dancer.  It was annoying that nobody but Cat Deely seemed to be able to pronounce her name properly.

Had to take an extensive break partway through watching, as Sisiutl managed to tunnel her way into the couch and couldn't/wouldn't get out.  I had to rip a seam out of the seating to extract her.  Then we had to tip the couch upside down, find where she got in and fix it.  Life with weasels, never a dull moment!

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