lost thoughts

May 20, 2010 10:48

random things I've been thinking about since Tuesday: Who helped Desmond out of the well?  I'm thinking it must be Claire, as unlikely as that might seem, because she's the only on-island character we didn't see in that episode.  From what Sayid said to Jack, it was pretty clear that he left Desmond in the well after he didn't kill him.  And if Ben, Miles and Richard did it, he'd've been with them, or they at least would have mentioned it.

Poor Richard.  As soon as he started saying all Flocke wanted was him, I knew it was curtains.  At least he thought he was being a martyr when he died.  Quite possibly he was jumping at the chance to die anyway.

Ben's comment about the smoke monster summoning him combined with the presence of Christian Shepherd and Claire in Jacob's cabin as well as the ring of ash around the cabin and the fact that he never could see Jacob seems to indicate that Ben has been unwittingly serving the smoke monster all along, and not Jacob at all.  That would help explain why Jacob was so cold and merciless when he pushed Ben into killing him.  I do believe he is trying to play smoke monster now, though his revenge on Charles Widmore was heartfelt. edited to add: just remembered that Richard was speaking to Jacob all along. So maybe the smoke monster was just sneaking in around the corners to influence Ben, not completely controlling him.

On a related note, that Jacob is a pretty whiny brat for an all-powerful island deity.  When child Jacob yelled at Hurley about the ashes "They're mine!" and ran off with them, I think that was an expression of Jacob's frustration of always having to take (or appear to take) the higher road.  Obviously smoke monster brother is a bad monster/man/whatever.  But my jury is still way out on the question of Jacob's goodness.

My theory, which is mine, though I doubt I'm the only one thinking it, is that Jacob and his brother aren't actually separate people, but were one person separated at birth into two halves, the obvious light and dark, reflecting different qualities of humanity.  Not necessarily positive and negative, just different.  I also believe that Mother was a smoke monster; how else could she have demolished the Greco-Roman village so thoroughly?  When she gave Jacob the wine and told him that he was now just like her, I think she meant that he was going to have smoke monster capability too.  But Jacob changed the rules--as his other half told him he someday would--by throwing his brother's body into the light, and shunting the smoke monster power onto him.  Jacob cheated, in effect.  Does smoke monster now get his humanity back?

Just a thought (though one I think is strongly supported by the ending of the last official podcast) (why yes, I am that kind of nerd about the show, as it happens).  I don't know what this does to Jack in turn becoming just like Jacob.  I think though that Jack is a better person (now, anyway) than Jacob has ever been.  That's not really a slam against Jacob, but he never had to face the real world and its challenges the way Jack and the other candidates and anybody who wasn't raised by Mother has had to do.

One last thought, somebody still remains to be shot at by Juliet in an outrigger canoe, the canoe now full of Widmore's science stuff.


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