It seems to be the thing to be doing, so my 2009 in a handful of points:
- started 2009 with my foot still in pretty wretched shape, but by Feb or March the alcohol injections finally killed off that nerve in the ball of my foot, and slowly I've come to be able to count on my feet to be there for me once again. I still have some resculpting to do (that's really how it feels, like I am rebuilding the way my ankles and feet work) and I'm still not 100 percent pain free but I'm optimistic that to a large degree I can change what nature and nurture dealt me and have strong functional feet again.
- lost a fair amount of weight but more importantly gained a lot of strength in my legs and core. I feel I have a lot more power in my movements now, whether it's dance or yoga or just daily activity. I like this and I am determined to keep it. It's hard work but it's rewarding. On a related note, with the exception of the last two weeks or so, I've been happy with the diet I've created for myself--not diet in the sense of weight loss program, but diet in the sense of well rounded nutrition, food that tastes good and sustains me.
- Danced in a variety of different venues, and in the process have been sounding out what is important to me as a dancer in terms of my goals and ideals. Definitely a work in progress, some lessons are not always so pleasant, but it's part of being an artist.
- Lost my ferret Ianto, but that was tempered by being so glad that we were able to give him a good loving home in the evening of his life. He was such a sweet fellow, with his little Ianto prancing walk. And his loss meant that we were in the right place at the right time to give a home to Edgar, who is quite the endearing character and brings us much joy. Little Sisiutl has stayed a constant, deepening her bonds with me and welcoming the new guy along with us.
- Got a Zipcar membership and started driving regularly again, for the first time since 1995 or so. It's been very freeing and liberating, and nowhere near as scary as I thought it would be. I've enjoyed driving a variety of different cars through Zipcar, and I've equally enjoyed not having the responsibility of car ownership.
- Took the kind of plunge I'd been promising myself I would do for *years* and applied for a new job which represented a step up in my career--and got it! The whole process went so smoothly it was like a dream, and clearly meant to be. I'm very happy in the new job, while grateful for all that I learned in the old job. Executive Assistant may not seem like a glamorous or important sort of career, but trust me, all your companies, non-profits, universities, etc would fall down without talented and intelligent people providing structural support.
- Held Raks Spooki IV--I can't believe it has now happened four times! I made a leap of faith that the market was still there even in this economy and moved to a larger theatre, and my faith was pretty justified. Lots of thoughts for how to run next year's! As always, the variety of creativity and talent on display in the show was humbling to me as the organizer. I'm very proud to be able to put on this show.
- Bought an iPod Classic, which seems like a small thing, but I am loving it so it bears mentioning.
- Set in motion the process of renting regular studio space in a quiet place, something I have been deeply craving for a long time. The studio is part of a small artists' community and I am excited about the synergy of that as well.
For 2010, I essentially just want to keep on track with the things I've been doing well. I need to be a little better with keeping up with foot exercises. I am really looking forward to utilizing that studio time. We will have our tenth wedding anniversary in 2010. I want to get out to more concerts, live music of any style that strikes my eclectic fancy. I definitely want to travel outside of the Boston area for dance workshops more often. I want to keep learning more about mixology, and get brave enough to start making drinks up, drinks that actually taste good. In the end, perhaps none of those things are individually that important, but in sum they equal the process of building my life onward and upwards, improving what I can and accommodating what I can't.
Happy New Year, everybody! May the triumphs and joys of the past year continue to sustain you, and may those you have lost live on as beautiful memories within.