(no subject)

Jul 02, 2008 10:08

Nelson Mandela is on the US terrorist watchlist.  Country of mine, I don't even know what to say to you.

My foot only ached a little towards the end of dance class last night despite a half hour or so of Saidi.  I am really liking this being able to focus on the rest of my body and I feel like I'm dancing much better.  After class I carried a heavy bag of groceries home and that didn't cause any great pain either, something new this week.  Generally speaking my foot is doing well; it hurts going down stairs and when I put a lot of weight right into the center of the nerve damage, but otherwise I've been able to walk mostly without thinking about it at all.

Weasels were super cute when I left this morning, chasing each other through tunnels.  Ianto will chase Sisiutl into a tunnel, but then she is small enough to turn around inside the tunnel, so he gets met with teeth and much fang displaying and tail wagging ensues.  Good times for ferrets.

weasels, belly dance, injury

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