it would be the patriotic thing to do

Jun 17, 2008 10:46

People who have a distant relative's name on the Bunker Hill monument ought to be given Bunker Hill Day off from work.  That is what I believe.  (it's the brother of an umpteen-times-greatgrandfather of mine, Benjamin something.  my mom's father's family goes way back in New England history.)

Last night I grilled in a thunderstorm due to bad timing on my part.  It totally wasn't raining when I started grilling, but it most totally was raining when I finished.  Yesterday really never came together for me.  But on the positive side my food didn't get too damp and I didn't get struck by lightening.

This morning I accidentally caught Sissy's tail in the cage door.  She squawked and I felt terrible but some ferretone seemed to make everything ok.  Ianto:  "I am very traumatized by this event, I need ferretone too!"  Both of them are now coming up to us for attention and affection, which is wonderful.  Ianto's relatively low energy level continues to concern me a bit, but I think I should give him a little more time to build up muscle and also build up uncaged confidence before hauling him off to the vet.  There has definitely been some improvement in both areas.  Also, next to Sisiutl the Atomic Powered Wonder Weasel any ferret would look low energy.

One of the brewers at Friday's American Craft Beer Festival has a beer called Raspberry Weasel Wheat.  I will of course have to try that.

Big stabbity needle in the foot today--right now my foot is feeling no pain at all as a result of the numbing spray used to kill the pain of the needle.  I should swipe that stuff the next time I'm there.  Now that I am regularly able to put normal weight and pressure on my left foot, I am having to come to terms with how much of an impact the constant limping and favoring has had on the rest of my body.  I'm all torqued around.  I don't think I was able to cope with thinking about it while my foot still hurt, but now that the foot is improving I've got to untwist myself.  Massage scheduled for this Saturday, that should help!

weasels, injury

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