Mar 13, 2018 18:19
I felt quite wobbly first thing but did manage the usual gym and swim and to take the dog round the block. The drive in to collect Lainey was fine and she is always so happy to see me and runs over to hug.
The hard physical bit is persuading her to take the long dress off and getting her to put her boots and coat on. That takes about 15 minutes. Then I have to carry her buggy, her two bags and any pictures she's done as well as teddies she had with her to the car, and get them and her out at the other end, plus my own bag. I had a floaty Goth dress I'd got for her to dress up in and a mini drone I'd bought for big brother Luca. Unfortunately the tag to open the downstairs door to the flats wasn't in her bag and we had to ring bells until someone replied and let us in.
She changed into the dress, it was the second time I took it there as Sara won't allow anything she has not agreed to to be left there as the flat is tiny and there is no room, so I take any unsanctioned things home and take them back next time! She threatened to throw anything I leave away.
Luca loved the drone when he came and didn't play minecraft for a whole 40 minutes while he set it up and tried to fly it. It reuires more skill than you would think. It needed the battery re-charing then though so after they'd had supper he got the laptop and was lost to us. He cam tale the drone to his dad's when he goes on Wednesday so that won't be taking up room in the flat, and is tiny anyway.
We had a few screams when Lainey wanted to use the drone and it was not suitable for her but we got over it and she ate quite a bit of supper and resisted less than some days having a bath :). We were just nicely pyjamad when mum came home and I usually leave quite quickly before I hear what I did wrong!
Today I expected an email complaining about the drone but none came, maybe because I got one Sara sent to the family about the Easter holidays. She is not taking time off work so she set out days the children are up for visits, which will be nice.
I usually have them 2 afternoons and if they are to be with me all day collect them early and take them home, so bluerose can enjoy them too. He and Luca can play on the PS4 or Vr and he is good with Lainey too. It's easier to cook etc here and I can have my siesta while Bluerose and Luca look after Lainey. The children like to see Bobby and he likes to see them at first. When lainey stopped being scared of him though and began wanting to play he started to look a bit long-suffering as he's an old man now. He sleeps a lot and she disturbs him. Eventually he goes off upstairs to bluerose's bed.