
Mar 17, 2016 13:32

There's an old fashioned letter meme going around, and Ghoti gave me an O. That's difficult.Ask if you'd like a letter

Something I hate: The kitchen gate being left open when the cat food is on the floor, so Molly steals it.

Something I love: Watching newish granddaughter eating. The interaction with me or her mum about what she wants, even with no words. I must suggest baby signing.

Somewhere I've been: Curacao. I've been a couple of times, once to a dry dock and took the daughters, aged 3 and 5. I had to fly out there alone with them to join Capt Ex on the ship he was on, which was in dry dock. We had the use of a car, lived on board, went to the Shell sailing club or the main Shell club on the island, which had a swimming pool. We were there for 3 weeks I think. I enjoyed the island very much.

Somewhere I'd like to go: Hawaii. Or some other South Seas island.

Someone I know: Rosalind. She was my mum's neighbour upstairs and we became friends. I was pregnant when she got engaged. Gerald was her second husband, the first was Israeli and died.We had 2 daughters each, hers 6 months or so younger than my two. She lived on our way to primary school. Close to it. She lost her second husband, I got divorced. She met someone and is in Israel with him half the time and half here to see her family. We skype every week or so and meet when she is here.

A film I like: Space Cowboys, or Geriatrics in Space :). It has the attraction of OAPs like the Marigold Hotel and The Intern but not sentimental, they are naughty OAPs.
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