Feb 15, 2006 15:10
I had a rather anxious morning today. For some reason I felt it necessary to bring up the conversation of "what do you do if someone tries to take over the plane?" with the Missus this morning as I drove her to... THE AIRPORT! I know....I know...what I lack in brilliance I make up in heart. I'm not entirely sure what came over me except that I really had bad feelings about her flight (which went off without a hitch...of course). *sigh* It's a wonder she puts up with me.
Found out I had a software glitch on my cell phone that has been keeping me from being able to email pics taken with the phone (problem resolved thank you Verizon). I have made ample use out of the camera/phone tool until recently. I have used it to take photos of interesting things/designs that might fit the new magic show theme. I also use it to take a quick pic of my parking space (in case I forget). Do you use a camera phone? If so, what uses do you find for it?
Missus Badrabbit forgot her script and has asked me to fax it to her. I hope that will make up for the shuttle trip earlier today. So it looks like my afternoon evening will be to pick up Junior, pick up the script, off to Kinkos, grab some dinner, back home to clean the hutch, maybe entertain the beautiful and interesting H or N (ah the possibilities are endless).
Also just found out that the LRS is no longer offering child care. Turns out the patron who had been providing the service is moving. *tears* Just hope I can find someone before this Saturday. Any takers? Junior's super cute, potty trained, and comes with cool Batman PJ's. :-)