Dec 02, 2005 19:10
I had this really bad dream last night. I dreamed that I went to this kind of raunchy party I guess, and everyone was being really flirty and stuff. So I was talking to this kind of interesting looking girl, who I thought was trans, but I couldn't tell. So then these lesbians making out kind of summoned me over, and I went and talked to them. But then when I went back to this other person I was like "I'm going to find out what you are", and I agressively tried to spread this person's legs. So then she was like "Really, I'm a Pegasus"...and then she turned into this winged horse and I hopped on and she gave me a ride home. When I got home, I started feeling really trippy (like I imagine dropping acid would be like), and I was sitting on the couch with my roommates, and for some reason I put my hand on Nina's thigh and she didn't do anything. So as I was getting up to leave, Kevin grabbed me and we started roughhousing....but then as we were wrestling, he kept changing into different people like one of the lesbians at the party, and then Sam, and I kept on screaming in the dream "I don't know what's going on!". I woke up feeling really drugged out, which might have something with why I didn't get out of bed until 3:45. I didn't even drink or smoke pot the night beforehand or anything. I suppose that's what roommate drama will do to you.
This week has been crazy. Monday I worked on my paper for about 5 hours. Wednesday I went to the Amnesty Hotel Rwanda thing. I don't know...I kind of feel like people who want to do some good in the U.S. should try to get us out of Iraq before we go around intervening in other countries. First do no harm. Also, the genocide power-point presentation made it seem like the U.S. didn't have any involvement in supporting any of the previous genocides. Oh well. Someone in the audience asked the speaker if he supported the war in Iraq, and he said that it was a mistake - which was good. Afterwards I went to the Unitarian holiday party...which was fun for the most part. We had a white elephant gift exchange and I brought this American Red Cross terrorist readiness kit that you velcrow under your desk that I found at NSP. I thought it was hilarious, but some people thought it was useful. I also put together two gingerbread houses from scratch for some sick kids...which was a feat. Afterwards I didn't have any energy to decorate them.
Thursday I went to the World AIDS day stuff...there was this really good performance by this Indian dancing group, Sounds of Pleasure, and the 'human beatbox'. I also went to the memorial services in Heinz Chapel, which was okay. The best part was running into Maggie, and I'm going to go with her to her church sometime for shits and giggles, which should be cool. I like exploring other people's religious services and stuff.
This weekend I'll basically be going to be writing my paper, and I also get to try out the Ethiopian restaurant FINALLY through PittArts. Wednesday at NSP I found out information about a utility assistance program for poor folks, which was passed on to one of the clients - so hopefully she'll get heat over the winter. I don't do NSP to presume to be virtuous or 'help' the poor, but I must admit that it felt good. At least this whole week wasn't a waste.