Vote, and Vote Collins!

Dec 30, 2008 18:28

No word source is perfect (we have ridiculousness such as FEDEX, KLEENEX, and BENADRYL (/BYLANDER# -- hehe). The Collins Word Source is no exception, but it's time the US gets in step with the rest of the world. This is one ripple, this vote on CGP (and it's not as if anything GREAT has come from CGP in the past), but the support here may make waves in time.

UNVIEWED#, for instance, was played by one friend and challenged off at the Nationals. Likely, if you've played a word and it was somewhat plausible yet phony in "our" list, there's a good chance it's good in Collins.

More Q words to work with (QIBLA#, QUIM#!, TALAQ#, NIQAB#, and yes, even WAQF# and TZADDIQ#) and the addition of ZO# (a yak/cow hybrid) make the Z even more potent. Offense is fun. As said before, I'd rather score 60 than change 5 from AEEOUUS#. :)

Yes, there are silly abominations like JA# and CH# that make the list somewhat less respectable, but one thing at a time is all I'm saying: the English-speaking world SHOULD unite, and its word list should be cleaned up. Once one step has happened, that second one shouldn't be far off.


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