crazy coupla days

Jul 30, 2004 11:52

so let us begin tuesday night::
I had just got off work and called up Peuler and Eddy and Andy and we decided to play some night disc golf so we attached glow sticks and raver flashers to our discs so we can see and find them in the dark. So we get to the rocklin course and start playing and we get to the 6th hole and I was actually able to bird it in the dark I was we sat down to smoke a victory bowl (as we do after all birds) and suddenly we look up and there are two cars driving on the course with searchlights we stash the pipe and flashing discs and run I jump up in a tree and hide amongst the foliage while the thers hide behind trees...we had to sit there for like 1/2 an hour as the cops rolled around the course looking for people (because since its a city park, being there after dark is trespassing) and at one point Peuler was behind this tree with a cop car 50 ft away in one direction, another cop car coming from the other direcetion, and a cop on foot coming straight at him....but....we didn't get caught, they left, and we got the fuck out of there cause we were so sketched eddy and andy split home and me and peuler rolled back to my house to finish that victory bowl bong style, and in our state we decided, you know what would be fun....suburban disc golf, so we went out into my neighborhood with more of an ultimate style disc and started playing up and down the street at like midnight one in the morning, mad fun so we must evolutionize it into an actual course 9 oh it'll be great...
next morning I woke up early and me and peuler set out to Santa Cruz...when we got down there I went to glass roots to see about getting a new piece and ended up getting this bomb beast of a piece its thick and huge and has dichrome and...oh man I love it...then we kicked it around SC and ended up playing disc golf at Delavega this huge 27 hole was huge and beautiful and tough I ended up losing 2 discs :-/ luckily they were two that I had found...and then I found out there is a room open at the Chavez house co-op that it looks like I'll be getting the room..woowoo
then the next day off to San Francisco with a pit stop in half moon bay to play the disc golf course in golden gate park...really technical and fun, interesting and different, fairly short holes but the trees add quite a challenge and panda played with us too which was fun and then Peuler ended uup getting a new perk at a head shop when we were on our way to kick it with Chris and Jamie at Cafe Sixteen, it is fuckin awesome and huge and beautifully blown...then we dropped of panda and humng out with her for a bit before heading out at 9:30 for the "fun exciting" drive back up to sac...

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