Apr 30, 2011 21:28
Lately I've noticed a relatively new cliche in Christian circles. It's a cliche that is used especially when witnessing to unbelievers. Today I didn't hear it, but rather saw it on a billboard. The cliche said "Jesus... not religion".
Now if you're a Christian you are probably thinking, "That's not new at all. I've heard that for decades." But I would caution you to note the difference. The old saying went, "relationship, not religion," meaning that Christianity is about having a relationship with God, not following a set of rules.
But the new cliche, although it sounds virtually identical, is saying something entirely different. It is saying that Christianity is not religion at all. Well, I must clear the air and remind everyone that Christianity IS a religion. If you doubt me, please look up the possible definitions of "religion". One of them is, "the service and worship of God..." I don't think I'd get any argument that Christianity involves serving and worshiping God. Is Christianity just a religion? No, absolutely not. But it still fits the definition of religion.
Even the apostle James said, "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, to keep himself unspotted from the world" (Jas. 1:27). This is the Lord's brother himself writing! Where does anyone get off contradicting the Word of God on this issue? And furthermore, why do some Christians insist that Christianity is not religion?
I believe the answer lies in the negative connotation "religion" has taken on in recent years. Quite frankly, if you say you are a Christian, the world mindlessly brands you as believing in "religion," which to the secular world is somewhat akin to believing in Greek mythology and Humpty Dumpty. Even worse, a person who has any religion is assumed to be anti-"science". (I put "science" in quotes because a plurality of the secular world's concept of science is closer to astrology than evidence-based evaluation)
Christians do not like to be viewed as being too unworldly. Like everyone else, Christians want to be loved and liked. The world has developed a severe allergic reaction to all things typically thought of as religious. This would include the Bible, Jesus, and worship. Church is generally acceptable to heathens because even atheists have their own churches they attend, and church can be just about anything you want it to be. It doesn't have to include worshiping God.
Christians are trying to "clean up" Jesus Christ to make Him more acceptable to the world. The attitude is Religion is out, sermons are out, and by all means, that old Bible is out. Let's start by having a motivational message instead of a sermon based on Biblical texts. Let's not place any Bibles under the seats, because a visitor might accidentally turn to one of those many offensive passages and they'll think we're too mean-spirited. And do not, repeat, do NOT say "Christianity" at any time! People might think we're talking about a religion and they'll wreck the place trying to bolt out the fire doors!
Christians are at a crossroads: proclaim the Holy Name of Christ, or toss out everything about Christianity except the name "Jesus" so that it's more acceptable to the world? I have news for all. Nothing you do will make Jesus more attractive to the unsaved world than He already is. He is looking to us, His people to be His ambassadors to the world. We cannot be effective by rebranding Christianity and stripping it of everything God has blessed us with. His Word is a gift, and it is holy. It is called the Holy Bible for a reason, not because it's magical, but because it contains the inspired words of God. We would be wise to keep it in our church services and remember what it says. If we did that, we'd avoid this erroneous notion that Christianity is somehow not a religion.
jesus not religion,
not religion,