maybe I'll start posting again or something

Oct 30, 2007 23:07

...or maybe this entry, like so many of my entries these days seem to be, is a fluke, and there will be months until the next one. But I'd like to get back in the habit of posting. It's a nice way of keeping in touch.

Anyway, my life. I'm a real person and everything now. I'm done with grad school (at least for now), and I'm earning my keep. It's great in many ways--I have an interesting job, at a company that is startupish enough to be small and energetic, but unstartupish enough that I actually can have free time and stuff. It's off in Lexington, so it's a bit of a commute, which I've been biking. I bet I'll chicken out once the time change happens, though--when sunset is at four, it's not all that easy to avoid going home in the dark. It's also great in the way that I can actually save money, which is always good. I've also moved in to Something Completely Different, which is more social than the apartment I had previously. I think the combination of having actually interesting productive work to do producing something someone will use, and the fact that I can come home and greet people and talk to them more often than not is doing wonders for my sanity. Not to mention living close enough to Amanda that we can walk over to each others' houses on a whim.

That job: I am a software engineer working on a compiler for a non-traditional programming language. How cool is that?

Last monday I forgot my pants at work. Actually, I forgot all my clothing, but I did have an emergency shirt and underwear already there. I had been so distracted while packing my bag to go in, I just plain forgot I needed clothing. I ended up wearing my biking shorts all morning. At lunchtime, my coworkers were nice enough to offer to drive me home to pick up my pants. I took them up on it, and while we were in the area, we had lunch at the Porter Exchange, where we managed to buy $70 worth of Japanese snacks, which we expensed and shared with Engineering.

H. says his kids are still laughing about the fact that one of his coworkers forgot eir pants at work., I feel like I've forgotten what to write about in one of these things. I hope there will be more soonish, but no guarantees.
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