Man. I wish I hadn't checked my email when I got home.
I come back, all giddy and excited from the parade and getting candy and seeing all my crushes and people being nice to me and new school tomorrow *yaaaaaaysparklesparkle*...
And then I look. And the first thing my eye catches is a big fat bold DENIED in my inbox.
I know, I know, just a game. But it seriously just... took all the wind out of my sails.
It would be better if the other person's hadn't been such a Gary Stu. Why does EVERYONE make Axel abused? What the hell is that? I spend such a long time, me and Laura trying to come up with something truly CREATIVE, reasons for his personality and shit that don't have to do with Daddy's angry time belt. And I'm just like... man. And I wish I could be a better sport about it... I mean, of course I'll still give the other person a chance, and not be all bitchy to her face... but if she messes him up or something... I'm not gonna be happy. D:D:D:
This is worse than Mr. Schaefer and his assiness.
God fucking damnit, I REALLY don't feel like doing my homework now. And I wish I had a sad or angry face icon.