Oct 30, 2004 22:54
Dont you hate it when ppl dont update...lol. hey everyone its been a while since ive updated so let me giveyou the info about whats been going on latley. last week was cold very cold and its hard finding sweatshirts in this house when winter clothes are in boxes so i was wearing layers and my bro's sweatshirts that he left bc he lives in santa barbra where it is never cold and the sunshines all the time...lucky ass. Friday night we won our football game, praise the lord. win number 3 out of 8 im excited too bc i got to play. Today i went galivanting all over the city. first to practice til 11, after that to home to clean up. we were suppose to have practice at cody p's house but jarrett and i both knocked hell of loud and no1 was home so i lefted that and went to jarrett's. we practiced and skated and goofed off all day, was fun times trust me. we saw whitney morgan driving, scary thought...JK whitney is a good driver from what i saw..tomarrow is halloween and i am passing out candy to the lil kids unless i find somtin to do.
Tonight=watching free willy bc it rocks you should watch it too