Jul 03, 2011 19:13
Okay, so last night, Alistair had been far too tired to look at anything that wasn't a bed (and a magnificently soft one it was, too. He could live in this thing, you know, if there wasn't a Blight to fight and children to teach and armor to clean and...), choosing instead to collapse and snore and maybe drool a bit more. On the pillow, not the floor this time. Sleeping places that weren't the floor was going to be a big thing, he could feel it.
But now he was milling around the apartment. These people did love their buttons, didn't they? He probably shouldn't be touching any of them if he didn't know what they did, but... they were there. Being all... button-y. And stuff.
Not that he'd touch them. He was a big, grown-up Grey Warden who wasn't going to go around and touch strange buttons just left around the--
"Ohhh, look at that," he said, ten minutes later, watching the... turning, buzzing thing in the kitchen go... all... turny and buzzy. "I wonder if it'll keep doing that if I hold it upside down...? It is in the kitchen. Do I hit food with it? No... then the knives would be on the outside, not the inside..."
And he hadn't even discovered the television yet.
[ open if anyone has a reason to come by, surely ]
mha 12,