i wrote this driving home from jackie's house tonight;
my gas lights on, but nothing is as empty as my heart right now
as i drive down the well lit but empty highway
the beams of light stretch over my hood, from the tears in my eyes
i forgot nightmares existed until a harmony from the radio stole my breath away
and breathing is all i really have going for me these days
tonight is just as good of a night for regrets as any other
so ill keep my tinted windows down
and try not to think about how selfish frigid air can be
my left turn signal means everything but im trying to go right.
horse the band was awesome
if you didnt go you missed mike's nakedness.
last night kicked my ass.
economy inn promises good drunk times.
and tons of creepy people.
bobbie, megan, megann, alyson, chris, dusty, wes.
i love you all. some other random kids came
derek, lee and katie even managed to come by.
lee's new puppy is too cute.
i'll post pictures when i get them developed.
uhhh...if they develop them. :)
ps. ronnie thanks for the black eye/brow.