Read a book!

Feb 09, 2011 02:58

Ten Ever-Lovin' Blue-Eyed Years With Pogo: The official history and commemoration of Pogo's first decade... all wrapped up with a running commentary by Walt Kelly (288 pp).

Walt Kelly is one of the great prose stylists of American English. I would put him up against anybody else. The book in question is a survey of Pogo (mostly strips, but some from comics or other collections of miscellanea). If you don't know Pogo (or Go Pogo), the strip is quite a treat. Even if you do, the running commentary by Kelly is well worth the cost of the book.

I bought it used, because this one is out of print (as, alas, is most of Pogo). Fantagraphics took a stab at publishing a complete Pogo about a decade ago, but only got through 11 volumes ('48 to '54 or so).

The good news is that it seems they're trying again. In my search for in-print titles by Walt Kelly, I came across a forthcoming Pogo: The Complete Daily & Sunday Comic Strips, Vol. 1: Through the Wild Blue Wonder, due out at the end of March.

Let's hope they make it this time!

read a book!

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