November Musings

Nov 02, 2007 22:46

This was my Halloween costume that I wore to work.  I actually put a good deal of work and thought into it.  I was a tour guide for hell.  Lots of detail, but the second place winner of our costume contest was still some douche who just wore a wig and decided to proclaim he was in costume.  Ballot box stuffing motherfuckers.

I took down the Halloween decorations last night and put up my Thanksgiving/harvest decorations.  The perfection in this situation is that all harvest/fall decorations go on sale with all the Halloween stuff so everything was 40-60% off.  I went to Michael's AND Beverly's to maximize decor.  I took a photo that I'll put online later... I'm pretty happy with it and Dominic seemed to like it.  It probably helps that I also cleaned off the coffee table to go along with the decor.

For some reason I have a random idea to have a Pilgrim Party... like a thanksgiving dinner but with friends.  This would theorhetically involve cooking a turkey.  I asked Dominic if it was crazy for me to want to cook a turkey.  He quickly said yes.  So I'm not sure... I sort of don't have the dining room for such an event anyway.  Ah someday... the Martha Stewart in me will come out!

Rachel and I finally got all the pumpkin taken care of, more or less.  There's 6 cups frozen in my freezer, but I'm going to thaw mine out closer to Thanksgiving and make a few more loaves of bread.  Yum.

I'm trying to get back on the weight loss wagon.  I gained back like 9lbs in the last month which was pretty discouraging, but this week I lost 2.5lb of that.  I went back to yogurt for breakfast and a really super light lunch (soup).  I need to get more 100 cal packs though and figure something out for dinners.  I'm finally sick and tired of these Healthy Choice meals, so I need to figure something out.  Something that doesn't involve giving in to my desires and going to IHOP after seeing that commercial all night!
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