Jul 22, 2005 17:14
Gee, "allowed", "aloud" can't seem to figure out which is the correct spelling... or should that be:
can't seem too figure out?
can't seem two figure out?
And no, I have not just been reading fanfics. Why yes, I'm still at hard at work-work.
Sorry. I had to vent.
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But honestly, I really wasn't reading fic. I am still technically working (well not while I'm actually eating shit in LJ, but you know!) and the misspelled, misused words that have been flying around for the past two days in company correspondance just made me postal.
(Not to bitch or lay claim or anything, but I really could have used that Heero-homicidal emoticon today - you know the one ~__~)
I'm still working on that emoticon set. If you're happy having the ones I have at the moment though I'll get the urls to you. It's been a while, I thought I'd have been finished by now.
And I'd love the urls, but only if you have time. I haven't had much on-line time lately, but I'd love to share a little Hee-love in my emotis.
I have all the time in the world at the moment, still off college until the beginning of september. I'll sort them out and send them over to you, the only reason I was delaying was because of the perfectionist streak lol. I need to make a few more in order for the set to be complete I think, but it still works well at the moment.
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