(no subject)

May 27, 2009 10:44

Oh dear fucking god I am so glad to be done shooting. The last 6 days have truly been hell. Pre-light went alright, despite the shortage of lights--blocking went pretty okay--we found out we have to change our shots in the office because they didn't plan on taking the wild wall out like how it was designed. fuck. and they made the entrance some weird stylized POV shot that I hate--but of course no one would listen to me. Then what happens two days later while we're shooting it? Trav looks at it and goes "Maybe it is weird we can't see her come in. I don't really like it." I was like are you fucking serious????

But overall it did not go well. Our crew could not work together, and it just went sooooo slowly. It was all of us really-communication was just so bad between us--not to mention Angie was not at all a good AD, and I really think that's where the biggest problems came from. Half the time she didn't even know what was going on--it didn't help that she'd announce it--but she's supposed to know everything better than even we do--and she didn't even know what time it was the whole time. She would just yell for shit when she should have went over and talked to people individually and got shit done--there could have easily been times when we could have been setting up for two different shots at the same time, but she ignored them and we stayed behind for the whole shoot. Lighting tweaks in between shots pissed me off--it would take a half hour to set up a close up--then they would rush me when I was trying to block the actors. The camera team was very slow setting up and moving around. And it didn't help moods or morale at all that the air conditioner HAD to be off the entire time for the fucking hazer. It was so fucking hot in there, it was just miserable. Our 16mm went waaaaaaay smoother. I was also the AD, so that was probably why....

Although despite our speed and the chaos somehow we managed to get off about 24 shots per day. Which still astounds me since it took for fucking ever, and we still got behind. We lucked out with the location shoot the few hours we were there were the few in a week without rain. We made it back to the soundstage and caught up on the shots we missed in the first two days so we were back on schedule.

then we had off on memorial day--so we came in around noon and worked on changing the set over--repainting, dressing, building until about 11:30 at night. fuuuuck it was a long day. we had a sweet thunderstorm during it though--knocked out the power on us for a few minutes. So then yesterday was our last day and by then I was just so burnt out that I couldn't even function anymore. I just totally didn't care--the living room scene got fucked two, so now I'm pissed. We had to compromise so much that it's totally ruined the climax of the whole film, so we're pretty angry about it. I don't even want to see the dailies on Saturday. Fuck that shit.

apparently I'm having the wrap party at my place tonight. Fuck that too. So I gotta get home to clean it--but Trav is still sleeping and won't get up for anything. I should also prob give my roommates a heads up--though they're never home and prob won't be there anyway.

I never want to direct anything ever again. It was bullshit. I had a crew of people under me who really didn't give a fuck--and the only thinking I can show for this disaster I hope is at least some good footage and and entertaining story. I watched bits and pieces of it on VTR with Ashley, and it's not so bad--I'm just worried about things cutting together, and not having enough coverage. And I'm thrilled tat this nightmare is finally over.
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