Copy from one, it's plagiarism; copy from two, it's research. -Wilson Mizner

Feb 12, 2007 07:19

First day of the week. Monday. Fun, fun. ... Not. Chem was boring. Well, not really because I managed to listen. To... The half of the discussion. Fantastic. Goodluck to me. I need it for tomorrow. Yes because we have a quiz. Ohohoho. Next was Geom and for me, it went well. We had a short review and a quiz afterwards. Social came after. Yvette danced. Jing read a poem and Emma explained our drawing. In short, Social is so 'nakaka-aliw'. Then came English. Oh my god. The body of our reseach paper in due on Wednesday and I haven't even finished my 2nd page - 5 pages is the minimum. -.- Shoot. And tomorrow, what shall tomorrow bring...

To my pathetic paper in this pathetic life and pathetic schedule made by pathetic people. ... Oh, don't mind me. I'm just trying to wallow in my self-pity. NOOOOOO! Must. Finish. My. Body. Now. *click*


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