(no subject)

Nov 27, 2016 15:59

Hello, friends! I'm seeking beta assistance for an as yet unknown number of fics for torchwood_fest. So far I have one just under 2k ready for betaing, and there will be at least one more which I haven't started writing yet, but more likely two or three as I'd like to do the weekly prompts for the Fest as well.

If anyone can offer their services, basically to check I haven't made any silly mistakes or missed a typo or two, please either comment below or send a PM.

Also, please consider joining in the fun by writing for the fest. There are prompts at this post, no sign-ups necessary, as well as weekly prompts, or you can just write something else winter themed. as long as it's Torchwood, it's welcome!

Come join us!

Next week, posting begins for the December fest at torchwood_fest! (I know, it's not YET December, but it's pretty close!)

We'll have plenty of fic and art for everyone to enjoy and we encourage everyone to come join us!

hugs f-list, help needed, torchwood_fest, real life

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