Doctor Who Drabble: Sugar Overload

Aug 23, 2016 18:53

Title: Sugar Overload

Author: badly_knitted

Characters: Rory Williams, Eleventh Doctor.

Rating: G

Written For: Challenge 080: Sweet / Sour at dw100.

Spoilers: Nada.

Summary: The Doctor knows all the most interesting places - and people.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Doctor Who, or the characters.

“This,” the Doctor announced, throwing his arms out and turning slowly to indicate their surroundings, “is the biggest sweet shop in the universe. It’s been in existence for as long as anyone can remember. I used to get my jelly babies here. They sell every kind of candy ever invented in the whole universe.”

“It’s like something out of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,” Rory commented, looking around in awe.

“Well, it would be,” the Doctor grinned. “This is where Dahl got the idea for his book.”

“Are you telling me that Roald Dahl was an alien?”

“Of course.”


The End

fic, dw100, the doctor, doctor who, drabble, rory williams, fic: g

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