Drabble: Weird Noises

Jun 05, 2016 15:49

Title: Weird Noises

Author: badly_knitted

Characters: Ianto, somebody else.

Rating: G

Written For: Challenge 398: Cherry at tw100

Spoilers: Nada.

Summary: Alone in the Hub while the rest of the team are out, Ianto is baffled by weird noises.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.

Weird Noises... )

fic, nosy, ianto jones, torchwood fic, tw100, nosy-verse, drabble, fic: g

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jo02 June 6 2016, 09:35:29 UTC

To say Owen has bad habits would be to imply he has some good habits... ?


badly_knitted June 6 2016, 10:47:00 UTC
Ummmm.... He's a very thorough doctor?

Perhaps I should have said 'Owen's WORST habits' LOL!

Thank you!


spikesgirl58 June 6 2016, 10:57:18 UTC
Hmm, did Owen have bad habits? :P


badly_knitted June 6 2016, 11:30:14 UTC
He had habits other people thought were bad, but since he didn't give a f*** what anybody thought about them, or him, it was a waste of time for anyone top point them out ;)


spikesgirl58 June 6 2016, 15:20:01 UTC
It's true. I missed him when he finally died died.


badly_knitted June 6 2016, 18:50:51 UTC
Me too. He wasn't my favourite character, but I still liked him. He was a good and caring doctor despite not having a good bedside manner, and despite his attitude, he was dedicated to Torchwood.


spikesgirl58 June 6 2016, 19:51:50 UTC
It's true. And he didn't deserve what he got.


badly_knitted June 6 2016, 21:27:13 UTC
None of those who died did =(


spikesgirl58 June 6 2016, 21:35:52 UTC
I have to agree - they all met bad endings, especially poor Ianto. That one just wasn't fair.


badly_knitted June 6 2016, 21:52:51 UTC
I keep bringing him back in fix-its. Not letting him stay dead, Jack would be inconsolable!


spikesgirl58 June 7 2016, 11:27:40 UTC
That's like me with Sapphire and Steel. No keeping them trapped in a room forever. We just moved beyond that ending and created something we liked better. it's what fans do. :D


badly_knitted June 7 2016, 12:08:52 UTC
Oh, how could I have forgotten Sapphire and Steel, even briefly? I loved that so much, and only partly because of David McCallum. I really must find a way to see it again. Perhaps I'll have another try at finding the DVDs at an affordable price...

Fans are amazing at keeping their favourite characters alive! We love them more than their creators did.


spikesgirl58 June 7 2016, 15:24:46 UTC
Yup, although there aren't many of us writing S&S anymore. There are a couple of S&S communities, but they are pretty quiet most of the time. I try to shake then up now and again, but not much happens.


badly_knitted June 7 2016, 18:52:54 UTC
That's the way it goes for some fandoms. I'm practically the only person these days actively writing FAKE Fic on a regular basis. One other person is writing a couple of multi-chapter fics that get updated occasionally, but for the most part it seems to be just me. Fandoms come and go, all we can fo is try to keep the old ones alive in case new people come along.


spikesgirl58 June 7 2016, 20:13:10 UTC
I don't know that I even know what FAKE is, tbh.


badly_knitted June 7 2016, 21:30:56 UTC
Not many people do. It's a Japanese manga about two New York cops. I only discovered it through a Torchwood/FAKE crossover series, but I got hooked on the characters, bought the manga, and suddenly started getting bunnies... Fandoms sneak up on you.


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