Oh Dear.....

May 19, 2016 14:33

Question: How do you know when you're buying too many CDs?

Answer: When 23 arrive in the post on one day!

*headdesk* I have no idea where to put them all. ebay has a lot to answer for. Where else can you get 8 CDs for just over £10? I'm listening to a LOT of music these days.

I should probably cut down on the buying, but I bought another 5 just before the post arrived. in my defence, it was buy 4 get 1 free, so technically I only bought 4... Until today I didn't even know Corbin-Hanner had done a live album, I thought there were just the two studio albums. Of course I had to get it!

o.o, wow, real life, woohoo!

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