Doctor Who Fic: Floral Dance

Apr 06, 2016 18:38

Title: Floral Dance

Fandom: Doctor Who

Author: badly_knitted

Characters: The Eleventh Doctor, Clara, OCs

Rating: PG

Spoilers: None.

Summary: A new planet, a completely new species; the Doctor is so fascinated on meeting flower people for the first time that he doesn’t listen to Clara’s warnings...

Word Count: 583

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clara oswald, fic, fic: one-shot, fic_promptly, the doctor, fic: pg

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cynthia2015 April 7 2016, 02:03:54 UTC
The Doctor didn't realise dance meant "dance". Poor flower.:(


badly_knitted April 7 2016, 10:29:33 UTC
The flower was happy, she liked the dance and her children will be strong because of it. The Doctor should be more careful, lol! I hope his contribution will make pretty flowers ;)

Thank you!


cynthia2015 April 7 2016, 14:20:01 UTC
It just reminded me that some species can have limited life spans.

Like when bees die after they sting somone.

The Doctor should have done a scan. He has the tendency to get distracted by something he finds pretty

Please excuse my rambling.


badly_knitted April 7 2016, 19:18:08 UTC
Ramble away!

The flowers probably have a good life span but to breed they must die. They probably put off breeding as long as thy can.


cynthia2015 April 8 2016, 11:20:15 UTC
At least the flower achieved its full potential.

Rosanna: A partnership. Any which way you choose.

The Doctor: I don't think that's such a good idea, do you? I'm a Time Lord. You're a big fish. Think of the children.


badly_knitted April 8 2016, 11:27:05 UTC
I'm sure the Doctor's flower children will be pretty though.

Yeah, she lived her life and then passed her genes on to a new generation. Perhaps they pass on all their knowledge that way as well, genetic memory, so that the young grow with all the memories of the parent plant.


cynthia2015 April 8 2016, 11:33:12 UTC
Now I'm picturing Eleven watering his flower children in their own pot plant while in the TARDIS.


badly_knitted April 8 2016, 13:35:25 UTC
ROFL! Oh, that would be so much fun! I don't know that I'll actually do that, but it's very tempting!


cynthia2015 April 9 2016, 00:30:11 UTC
Eleven could also read them a bedtime story. Just like he did with young Amelia.:)


badly_knitted April 9 2016, 09:40:44 UTC
Awwww! Just before they root for the night, lol!


cynthia2015 April 9 2016, 13:54:15 UTC
Eleven would have to install some solar power system to compensate for sunlight or something?

I'm probably analysing this too much.


badly_knitted April 9 2016, 15:05:27 UTC
Possibly, since I haven't even started making notes for the sequel yet, but I'm not complaining ;)


cynthia2015 April 9 2016, 20:20:38 UTC
Yeah. I'll stop now.:)


badly_knitted April 9 2016, 20:21:33 UTC
I'll try to keep everything in mind when I come to write it.


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