Title: Confusing
badly_knitted Characters: Owen, Jack, Ianto, Gwen.
Rating: G
Written For: Challenge 390: Ten at
Spoilers: Not really. AU crossover with Doctor Who.
Summary: There’s someone to see Jack.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
“Jack?” Owen yelled, stomping into the Hub late one morning.
“What?” Jack poked his head out of his office.
“There’s some guy up on the Plas wants to see you.”
“Some guy? Well that’s enlightening.”
“Claims he’s that Doctor of yours.”
“Which one is it?”
“I thought there was only one,” Gwen interrupted.
“There is,” Ianto said, “but at Torchwood One’s last count there were ten versions of him.”
“Bloody hell,” Owen said. “That must get confusing.”
“Oh yeah,” Jack grinned. “And time travel means you can meet him for the first time when he’s already known you for years!”
The End