My Genprompt Bingo Card doesn't look too bad!

Apr 01, 2016 15:55

Got my card, what d'you think?


Festivals and Celebrations

A Quiet Celebration
Mind and Body


An Internal Battle


Meant To Be

Restless Spirits

Crack Treated Seriously

Coat Life


The Park In Autumn

A Merciful End
Mutation / Transformation

Team Mates

Team Disharmony
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genprompt_bingo, real life, bingo card

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lexxiescott April 1 2016, 21:54:04 UTC
Looks like you've got some good ones on there. The character death one would probably be the hardest for me, but then again, I did a dark!fic where I killed Horatio, and you know how much I adore that characeter.


badly_knitted April 1 2016, 22:11:48 UTC
Well, it doesn't say it has to be PERMANENT character death, so I can just kill Jack and have him come back to life again. Problem solved. Jack can be very convenient ;)

I must be insane signing up to a bingo again. I'd never even heard of genprompt_bingo until this morning and now have a bingo card... o_O

On the other hand, this is a seriously laid mack bingo community, I don't think it even has a definitive deadline, and fills have to be a minimum of 100 words, so I could just do drabbles for every prompt if I wanted. I think I'm going to enjoy this bingo =D


lexxiescott April 2 2016, 20:36:36 UTC
*giggles* That's the truth. It's always good to have Jack around.

Having it be a laid back community will help a lot. As long as you can get through your card and have fun, I think that's the most important part. :) I hope it's as much fun as the card looks to be.


badly_knitted April 2 2016, 21:12:31 UTC
So do I, there are some good prompts there. First I have to finish Challenge week and a piece for another fest I've committed to write for one of my own FAKE prompts. Plus all the other challenges I write for weekly, lol! I'll fit things in somehow!


lexxiescott April 2 2016, 22:17:59 UTC
*grins* Sounds like a full writing plate for you. Still, if you decide to go with drabbles, that could be a break from the longer pieces you're working on for other challenges. I'm about 3/4 of the way done with a new novel. Then the rewrite and edit begins. And I've already thought of an idea for my NaNoWriMo challenge in November. Talk about being ahead of my timing on that one.


badly_knitted April 2 2016, 23:06:27 UTC
Sounds like you're doing well!

I'm already writing a lot of drabbles, four a week minimum for Torchwood and usually five or six for Doctor Who because I'm working my way through almost 600 prompts at dw100. I do a few FAKE drabbles when I can fit them in. I have no shortage of things to write - just did a moist owlet fic for Challenge Week, lol! Not much owlet in it, but... *grins*


lexxiescott April 3 2016, 16:46:27 UTC
As well as I can be. :)

Wow, that's a lot of drabbles. *grins* That's wicked that you've got so many prompts to be working off of.


badly_knitted April 3 2016, 21:59:24 UTC
Aaaaand I just joined yet another challenge community...

Well, I meant writing-wise, other things aren't so good *hugs*


lexxiescott April 3 2016, 23:51:34 UTC
Sounds like the plot bunnies are coming to pay you a visit. *grins*

I like writing challenges because they're usually manageable. The other challenges, not so much. Let's hang in there. I think it's all we can do. At least until the Doctor finds us for a bit of TARDIS medicine.


badly_knitted April 4 2016, 09:39:50 UTC
Yeah *hugs* We just need to get through what keeps getting thrown at us.

The writing challenges are piling up - torchwood_fest just opened for prompts o_O


lexxiescott April 4 2016, 21:18:37 UTC
Sounds like a plan. With treats on the other side. *nods*

I found a picture for you for the challenges coming at you, but don't know how to put it here. I'll post it on my journal. *Grins*


badly_knitted April 4 2016, 23:22:23 UTC
I've seen it, and commented! It's raining Plot Bunnies! LOL!


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