FAKE Drabble: Taking A Break

Mar 16, 2016 18:43

Title: Taking A Break

Author: badly_knitted

Characters: Ryo, Dee

Rating: G

Setting: Towards the end of the manga.

Summary: Ryo knows where to find Dee.

Written For: The tw100 prompt ‘Smoke’

Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.

Dee was missing, but Ryo had a pretty good idea where to find his errant partner so he made his way up the stairs to the precinct’s roof. At first glance, it seemed deserted, but after a few moments he spotted what he was looking for, a telltale wisp of smoke coming from the other side of the little shack that housed the stairwell.

“Hey,” he said quietly, sliding down to sit beside Dee. “Mind if I join you?”

“Nah, it’s a free country.”

“Lousy weather for a cigarette break.”

“Yeah, but the company makes up for it,” Dee winked.

The End

ryo maclean, fic, fake fic, dee laytner, fake, drabble, fic: g

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