Title: If You Love Sushi…
badly_knitted Characters: Dee, Ryo.
Rating: G
Setting: During the manga.
Summary: Dee and Ryo do have something in common besides being detectives…
Written For: The tw100 prompt ‘Fish’
Disclaimer: I don’t own FAKE, or the characters. They belong to the wonderful Sanami Matoh.
One of the things Dee and Ryo bonded over after they were assigned to work together was their mutual love of sushi. They both agreed that the tender morsels of raw fish, perfectly prepared and artistically presented, were a delight to be savoured at every opportunity; together they visited every sushi bar in New York.
When Dee discovered that Ryo was well versed in the art of preparing sushi, having been taught by his mother, who had learned from her grandfather, he became even more positive that Ryo must be his soul mate.
They were clearly made for each other.
The End