Utterly Pointless News!

Jul 30, 2010 19:46

I have decided I'm going to knit myself a new jumper - and it will be red! Not that wishy washy orangey red of British post boxes, but a rich, glowing blood red (it would look great on Ianto ( Read more... )

craft, knitting

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Comments 17

zazajb July 30 2010, 21:09:29 UTC
Ok, knitting is good - I can't knit so always impressed with people who can!!! *frowns* thought you were clearing books??????? I sense distractions!!! [look who's talking - I let myself get lost in some fluff!smut rather than what I should've been doing!!] oh, btw - red is good...love red...Ianto's colour...hope you found your needles...
Raining? We've had clear blue sky and sunshine today :D
Good luck *massages arthritic fingers* xxx


badly_knitted July 30 2010, 21:25:40 UTC
Yes, clearing books - and eveything else! If I can clear the junk out of the box room, I can put all my other craft stuff in there. Then, maybe I'll be able to get to the cupboard with the books in.

I started knitting properly when my sister got pregnant for the first time. I thought, "Hmmm, I'm going to be an Auntie. Aunties knit baby clothes, I'd better get started." So I did. Used to knit baby clothes for a local shop, but when they went out of business, I got a ton of stuff back. Still got most of it, seems people don't want traditional baby handknits these days. It's all babygrows and designer baby wear.

Not got my needles out yet, but I think I know where they are, so I'll soon be set. I can knit and watch TV, or I can knit and read. It's easy enough with a book, but I don't know if I'll be able to read the laptop at the same time. =D


royalladyemma August 11 2010, 22:12:58 UTC
Have you ever thought about putting your traditional baby handknits on eBay? Tons of money on eBay -- give it a thought -- not everyone is snooty when it comes to babies. There's lots and lots of people who love traditional things when it comes to their babies and grandbabies. Open eBay for whereever you are (US it's just .com, for the UK it's ebay.co.uk) and plug hand-made baby clothes into the search engine, or even just hand-made and see what happens)

okay, bad girl that I am, I just looked:


and it lists 403 items. Why can't any of those be yours???????

I've ebayed on both sides, buyer and seller, so if you have any questions, ask!!!

And if you want me to shut up and go away, just ask!!!

Rubbing soothing lotion into your stiff, swollen knuckles (=^*^=)


badly_knitted August 11 2010, 22:34:57 UTC
I have thought about it, but I'm undecided because of the fees involved. I'll have to have a look at what's already on offer and see how it compares to what I've made.

I haven't knitted much for years, but I've just started a new jumper for myself - knitting is both good and bad for arthritis I think. Still, it's going well so far =)


thought_ribbons July 30 2010, 21:43:46 UTC
yay for new jumper! I wish I could knit! I want a 6 scarf :D!


badly_knitted July 30 2010, 22:02:20 UTC
It would certainly keep you warm! Trouble with those though, once you start knitting, you never know when to stop =P

Haven't started yet, but I've got my needles out now so I'm ready. It's been a while, but I'm sure I can remember how =)


(The comment has been removed)

badly_knitted July 31 2010, 08:39:10 UTC
I love a good thunderstorm =)

Our forecast for yesterday was 'mainly dry, chance of occasional light showers in the afternoon' so what did it do? Stayed dry until about 6.30ish, then we had a torrential downpour for nearly 2 hours! No thunder or lightning though - just rain, rain and more rain =(

I may start the knitting today now I've dug out all my tools, just a matter of finding some time =)


royalladyemma August 11 2010, 22:04:34 UTC
First off, I am green with envy!! Where are you that you've been blessed with rain -- pouring rain, no less, you braggart!!! I'm in the middle of the desert, and even tho it's our 'monsoon' season, so far, we've stayed very dry. For us, 'monsoon' season usually means torrential thunderstorms in the mountains to the west, followed by torrential flash flooding, since every little raindrop knows that Las Vegas was dumb enough to build great big car parks and casions right in the middle of the natural washes that should carry the flood waters safely from the mtns right down to Lake Mead and the Colorado River. So now, the landscape of the valley has these great ugly concrete scars and attached pock mark craters that are supposed to contain the water. Didn't help much about maybe ten yrs ago when we had our 'flood of the century', which very successfully wiped out over a mile of everything, including an entire caravan park ( ... )


badly_knitted August 11 2010, 23:02:17 UTC
The box room, as we call it, used to be my sister's bedroom. Since she moved our eons ago, we've piled everything in there and until a few weeks ago you couldn't get further than the doorway. It's a tiny room anyway, about 6ft by 10ft (English houses are really tiny - I live in the English midlands, Nottinghamshire). Anyway, like I said, everything got bunged in there - bags of fabric, cones of knitting machine wool, all my knitting wool, boxes of my books, piles of magazines... you name it, it's probably in there. I even found some plant pots! What they were doing in there, I don't have a clue! Clearing out the junk is going to take a while ( ... )


royalladyemma August 12 2010, 02:47:24 UTC
I don't think I'll ever complain about having to chop and stack firewood or chop up the kindling, and then haul everything from the back shed into the kitchen, and clean out the ashes and all the rest of the survival stuff I used to have to do as a kid. At least it sounds like you have a relatively small home to heat -- that damn farmhouse was massive -- the kitchen took up half of the downstairs, then there was the lounge area and two big bedrooms and the only bathroom; up stairs there was five more bedrooms, with a full attic on top of that, and a cellar that was the size of the kitchen and lounge area. Plus, there were always animals in the barn that needed feeding and care, and I'd have to break the ice from their water buckets, even tho the stables area where they were all kept in the winter was actually warmer than that house ( ... )


badly_knitted August 12 2010, 09:21:13 UTC
Now if we had a house that big, we might even have room for all our stuff! Seriously though, English houses are ridiculously small, our kitchen is hardly bigger than the box room, we have no storage space, over 30 years' worth of clutter and I can't belive 4 of us used to live here. Now there doesn't even seem room for 2. Part of the problem is our love of books - we have thousands, although the number has probably dropped by nearly 1000 since I started trying to get rid of some. Trouble is, many of them I haven't read yet and I can't read fast enough, especially as I mostly read fanfiction at the moment. Eventually we will clear out all the junk, I just need to persuade mum that some things have to go! She does not persuade easily, yet she's the one always complaining about the mess we're in...


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