What a day....

Feb 12, 2016 23:08

Today has been a bit insane ( Read more... )

wibble, car, argh!, real life

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cynthia2015 February 13 2016, 08:52:18 UTC
What is the model of your old and new car?.


badly_knitted February 13 2016, 20:43:49 UTC
Both Nissan Micras, the one I have now is just a bit newer and silver, my old one is blue. Micras are economical and great to drive, plus they fit in my garage a lot better than bigger cars! I can actually get out of the car once it's in the garage!


cynthia2015 February 14 2016, 13:05:43 UTC
I use to practise driving on my brothers old Mazda. I think cars that are quite big are harder to navigate. Specifically if you need to park properly.


badly_knitted February 14 2016, 21:51:13 UTC
I'm 5 feet tall and learned to drive back in the 80s in a massive Ford Cortina. Power steering didn't exist back then, but I could still do a three point turn in my narrow street without touching he curb on either side. It's what you're used to. My first car was quite big, but my cars have been gradually getting smaller, partly because our big garage collapsed and mum got a smaller one and partly because smaller cars are cheaper to run.


cynthia2015 February 15 2016, 13:08:07 UTC
My brother use to work as a valet in a hotel so thats how he found out the features and benefits on all types of cars.

My brother says that driving manual is more challenging but at least you can drive any car.


badly_knitted February 15 2016, 20:17:41 UTC
Yeah, I learned in a manual, I'd never drive an automatic. My sister's car is an automatic. Having power assisted steering is brilliant though, I wouldn't want to go back to driving something without. Most newer cars have it though. It's one of the great inventions for the driver, no more cranking the steering wheel around! I had to be careful at first not to over-steer!


cynthia2015 February 16 2016, 04:34:36 UTC
Yeah. My brother has to be careful not to overdo it in an automatic. His so use to manual.

In general people have to be competent drivers no matter the car. I think some people slack off and that causes accidents to happen.


badly_knitted February 16 2016, 11:38:36 UTC
People need to pay attention to the road when they're driving, not try to talk on their phones or look at the other people in the car, or gaze at the scenery.It's not safe.


cynthia2015 February 16 2016, 12:24:24 UTC
My brother has been in three car accidents and the other person was at fault. I was a passenger in one of them. Its not a pleasant experience thats for sure.


badly_knitted February 16 2016, 20:07:37 UTC
I've only had one accident when I hit a parked car, so I've been really lucky. In my defence it was bad weather, raining, very poor visibility and it was a dark car, parked the wrong way around. I just didn't see it. I was driving slowly because I was trying to find a particular street, so it wasn't a bad accident, just expensive to fix my car.


cynthia2015 February 16 2016, 20:52:53 UTC
I hope you weren't too shaken up by your experience. It can be traumatic for everyone involved.

It was annoying when one time the guy who caused the accident still got angry at my brother.

One time my brother had to sell his car to the other guy because they couldn't afford to pay my brother back.


badly_knitted February 16 2016, 23:06:40 UTC
Yeah, I was pretty shaken up, I was only 18 and it was pretty scary.

Other drivers are idiots!


Sad news cynthia2015 February 22 2016, 07:40:14 UTC
Today my grey tabby cat passed away from natural causes. His name was Timmy.


Re: Sad news badly_knitted February 22 2016, 10:59:17 UTC
*hugs* So sorry for your loss, it's always so hard to lose a beloved pet.


Re: Sad news cynthia2015 February 22 2016, 12:08:16 UTC
Thank you. I knew this day would come but I still held out hope for more time.

I didn't know if I should post my grief officially but I wanted to tell someone and I thought of you.

I haven't made a comment on your personal post because I wasn't sure what I could say.

I'm glad there are other people with more life experiences than me that can console you.

I can't really think right now. I've got my business administration class tomorrow. I want to skip it but I think Its better to go than moping at home. Even if my focus is not all there.

I can still hear Timmys distressed meow inside my head. I still have my other cat Lilly though.


Re: Sad news badly_knitted February 22 2016, 15:24:38 UTC
Everyone who has, or ever had, pets understands the grief of losing a beloved furry friend, and everyone I know, including me, posts about such losses. I can understand you not feeling like going to class, but it will help you to get your mind off your grief even if just for a while.

That's okay, it ended up being pretty much like every other day over the past year. Life goes on, but mum is still with me in my heart, just like every other person and pet I've ever loved and lost. They're never completely gone, and that's a comfort. *hugs* I expect Lilly is feeling as lost as you are right now, so comfort each other.


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