I Haz A Ianto!

Oct 24, 2012 14:16

Finally, after I don't know how long, I have managed to get a Ianto Jones action figure! It was definitely worth the wait =)

Needless to say, my two Jacks (both Doctor Who versions of Jack in his flight suit) are ecstatic. Ianto is a bit overwhelmed. He was fine when I introduced the first Jack, but when he saw the second one he fell over. He seems ( Read more... )

jack/ianto, action figures, jack harkness, torchwood, ianto jones

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tardisjournal October 24 2012, 20:15:59 UTC
He was fine when I introduced the first Jack, but when he saw the second one he fell over.


A double dose of 51st-century pheromones made him weak in the knees, perhaps, or maybe it was the result of all the blood running from his head to parts below and he fainted. Ianto's always had a very physical reaction to the Captain's presence--how could you do that to the poor guy! :-p

Regardless, I'm sure he'll adapt nicely. Ianto's resourceful like that. :)


badly_knitted October 24 2012, 20:57:57 UTC
ROFL! I definitely think Ianto got a bit over excited!

He's settled down now and seems happy with his two Jacks - who are also very happy to have a Ianto, they've been waiting a long time. Just hoping no one gets jealous when Torchwood Jack arrives!


timelordshines October 24 2012, 22:01:42 UTC
They won't get jealous - I'm sure the only thought on any of their minds will be "Orgey!"


badly_knitted October 24 2012, 22:07:05 UTC
Good point!

Huh, now I wish I'd uploaded one of the Orgy? icons I have saved, lol!

(I wish I had some alien tech to turn my Ianto into the real thing!)


timelordshines October 24 2012, 22:18:12 UTC
That would be good tech to have!
Can I borrow it? Please?
Though first I need to get some Janto figures...


badly_knitted October 24 2012, 23:02:58 UTC
We can dream...

Jacks are easy to come by but Iantos are expensive and difficult to get because everyone wants them. I wouldn't have this one if it wasn't for dieastra pointing out the listing to me - it wasn't in the category I normally look in so I hadn't spotted it.


tardisjournal October 25 2012, 16:28:47 UTC
Well, who wouldn't be happy with two Jacks?!? A little tired maybe, though. ;)

Now I feel bad--your Ianto is cavorting with two Jacks (and soon to get a third!?!) and a Doctor, and mine is still sealed in plastic, alone on a shelf of Torchwood and Who books. I told him it's so he doesn't get molested by hobbits, dwarves, ringwraiths and orcs (my only open figures) but he doesn't seem very grateful...


badly_knitted October 25 2012, 16:40:10 UTC
Well, that's Ianto for you - he'd rather be dabbling with a Jack, any Jack, than shut away in plastic as if he can't take care of himself ;)

New Torchwood Jack has arrived! Don't know how long he was sitting out in the porch, waiting to be let in... Clearly he couldn't reach the doorbell =P

Torchwood Jack is Ianto's height (YAY). He looks a bit cross-eyed and drunk, but Ianto doesn't seem to mind. No one fainted during the introductions this time, but Jack dropped his gun and now refuses to hold it. Maybe he wants to keep his hands free for other things, lol!

Still keeping my eye on the possibilities of a Jack in Coat and a Ninth Doctor. Might take a while to get them, depending on coming auctions. There are some available, just depends on the price since I paid so much for Ianto (and he was low priced compared to most Iantos!)


tardisjournal October 26 2012, 00:16:12 UTC
Well of course he can take care of himself, it's just that Middle Earth tends to be messy and I don't want him to get his suit dirty!

Yeah, he's not buying it either.

Yay for TW Jack, although it's a bit odd that he'd show up drunk! Maybe the thought of competing with not one but two of his younger selves was a bit daunting and he needed some liquid courage?

Of course he dropped his gun--he's planning on getting both hands on that delicious young Welshman as soon as he can. :D

Good luck with the rest of your collection!


badly_knitted October 26 2012, 10:42:49 UTC
There wasn't room for all four of them so I had to expand their seating area last night. They look reasonably comfy and Torchwood Jack is still looking at Ianto - who still looks pristine, lol! So smart =)

Ianto is still holding his gun - perhaps it's a deterrent in case the Jacks get too frisky, lol!


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